
KLI Introduction Course 2025
On March 7th, the annual KLI Introduction event was hosted in Utrecht, welcoming 13 new KLI PhD members. The day was kicked off with coffee and cake, followed by informative presentations from the KLI research and teaching committee. Committee representatives Iris van Sintemaartensdijk ... Lees meer

KLI Conference 2024
On April 25-26, we enjoyed an inspiring spring KLI Conference in Woudschoten. The keynote speakers came from organizational, environmental, and social psychological contexts, revealing the latest insights on leadership experiences of people of color (by Prof. dr. Judi Mesman, Leiden ... Lees meer

Social Animal 2024
“I just wanna tell you how I’m feeling Gotta make you understand” Zo begint het befaamde nummer Never Gonna Give You Up van Rick. 12 Maart 2024 trad Rick Astley op in Tivoli. In een andere uitverkochte zaal van Tivoli vond The Social Animal plaats. 8 Sociaal psychologen bogen zich over die ... Lees meer

Believing in Karma in a World of Injustices – Dissertation How Hwee Ong
Despite injustices being widespread throughout the world, many people continue to believe that the world is a just place and that justice is maintained in impossible and magical ways. In his PhD dissertation, which he defended on 24 March at Tilburg University, How Hwee Ong sought further ... Lees meer

Social Animal 2023
On the 14th of March, another successful edition of The Social Animal took place in a sold-out Tivoli Vredenburg. During the evening, eight social psychologists spoke about their latest insights: The keynote by Marieke Adriaanse and pecha kucha talks by Terence Dores Cruz, Allard Feddes, ... Lees meer

Kom naar The Social Animal op 14 maart
9 sociaal-psychologen over de nieuwste ontwikkelingen uit hun vakgebied € 10,- BESTEL TICKETS Wat vertelt hersenonderzoek ons over moreel gedrag? Waardoor kunnen online discussies soms volledig escaleren? Wanneer gedragen kinderen zich prosociaal? Waarom hebben sommige mensen een sterke mening ... Lees meer

Jiafang Chen: How do narcissists deal with communal features in their environment?
Narcissistic individuals seek agentic pursuits, such as social status, power, and achievement. They seem to be successful in these pursuits as they are more likely to occupy influential positions, giving them leeway to exert significant impact on others. However, narcissistic individuals’ ... Lees meer

Forgiveness in work relationships – Dissertation KLI-alumnus Wenrui Cao
How can employees maintain a happy and healthy working life with good and stable work relationships in the face of workplace conflict? Forgiveness might be a way to address this challenge. In her PhD-dissertation, which she will defend on November 16 at Utrecht University, Wenrui Cao focuses ... Lees meer
Understanding the drivers and barriers of reduced clothing consumption – New KLI-member Anna Bosshard
Fast fashion is exploding and comes with poor working conditions, increased GHG emissions, and degraded ecosystems. In her PhD research, Anna Bosshard aims to understand the drivers of clothing overconsumption and more sustainable modes of consumption (especially buying less) through systematic ... Lees meer

New KLI-member Ana Stojanović – Coaching of medical professionals
Ana Stojanović is doing her PhD at the Erasmus Medical Center and the Department of Work and Organizational Psychology at the University of Amsterdam. Within the Challenge&Support and LIFT Your Talent coaching programs, Ana investigates the effectiveness and working mechanisms of coaching ... Lees meer