Levels of analysis
Research conducted within the KLI can be described in terms of four levels of analysis: intrapersonal, interpersonal, group and organizational, and intergroup. These levels of analysis provide the basis for the four research divisions.
Social Cognition
The first of these divisions is Social Cognition (Intrapersonal Processes). Research within this division addresses those domains of social behavior in which cognition plays an important role, including the interface of cognition with overt behavior, emotion, and motivation. Among the topics covered are person perception and stereotyping, language, social judgement, attitudes and attitude change, goals, self-regulation, and the cognitive antecedents and consequences of affective states.
Track coordinators: Thorsten Erle (TiU) and Lucas Molleman (UvA)
Interpersonal Processes
The second research division is Interpersonal Processes. This research division focuses on psychological aspects of interactions between individuals. Falling within this division is research on social motivation in social dilemmas and negotiation, interpersonal attraction and personal relationships, communication, aggression, prosocial behavior, and interpersonal aspects of the emotion process.
Track coordinators: Niels van Doesum (Leiden University), Lisanne Pauw (UU).
Group and Organizational Processes
The third research division is Group and Organizational Processes. Members of social groups and organizations have to deal with two interrelated problems: How to organize their social relations, and how to approach their tasks in such a way that the group or organization is successful. The emphasis in the KLI research program is on how groups of individuals arrive at ways of organizing social relations and solving shared problems. Key topics include interdependence, organizational norms, incentive structures, affect and commitment, group decision-making, group performance, diversity, and leadership.
Track coordinators: Antje Schmitt (RUG), Hanneke Gutterink (UvA).
Group Processes and Intergroup Relations
The fourth research division is Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. Research within this division addresses cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspects of relations between social groups. Among the key topics are social identity processes, social and self categorization, prejudice and ingroup bias, “collective” emotions, intergroup conflict, and the role of culture in intergroup relations.
Track coordinators: Toon Kuppens (RUG), Ruthie Pliskin (Leiden University).