
Online misunderstandings can also result from excessive clarity

It is often assumed that online discussions escalate because people become less socially concerned when they are anonymous, or because online messages are unclear and easily misunderstood. In her PhD-dissertation, which she defended on September 22 in Groningen, KLI-alumnus Carla Roos reveals that the opposite is often the case: online communication is sometimes so clear…

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KLI-alumnus Martijn Blikmans: Do we live in the age of emotion politics?

Surprising political victories in the last decade, such as Donald Trump’s presidential campaign win and the Brexit, fuelled the popular lay theory that we are living in an age of “post-truth” politics, where facts do not matter anymore. In his dissertation KLI-alumnus Martijn Blikmans discusses how the addition of anger, disgust, hope, and nostalgia to…

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Belle Derks new KLI Chair

As per January 1st 2021, Belle Derks (UU) has succeeded Naomi Ellemers (UU) as Chair of the KLI Board. Naomi has been a Board member since 2000, and has been Chair since 2003. We thank Naomi for her valuable contribution to the KLI. During the (online) Board meeting in October 2020, the Board said goodbye…

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